The FS report is the thermometer for your spiritual health. Nothing else matters.
Designer Stubble
JoinedPosts by Designer Stubble
Its the 5th. dont forget to turn in your service time
by elderelite injust a friendly reminder....
Proof that there is no such thing as intelligent design
by dgp inif jehovah god used intelligent design, how come he designed the governing body?.
or was it satan?.
Designer Stubble
“We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes” - Gene Roddenberry
Stephen Lett - GB at convention yesterday
by tresdecu inso my wife and i took a last min trip to visit her bro in seattle....they wanted to go to at least 1 day of their dc.
long story short, the last talk of the day was by s. lett of the gb.
this was the talk where the two glossy brochures were released.
Designer Stubble
Here a great video on one of those great Brochures.
They suggest you look the references up, as they know that 99.9% don't take the effort. I looked all of those up under "Human Evolution" and almost all are misquoted or taken out of context. Verifying the brochure strengthend my support for evolution, which is a scientific FACT.
Will the children & babies of Sodom be resurrected?
by Think About It inmost of us know the 1/2 dozen or so flip flops the wts has had on whether or not the people of sodom would be resurrected.
currently, i believe the "newest light" is no, but has the wts said anything concerning a resurrection for their children & babies?
if the sodom children & babies receive no resurrection, that would seem a bit unfair when the wts is willing to claim resurrection for jw pedophile sodomizers.
Designer Stubble
- 1879 - Will be resurrected
- 1955 - Will not be resurrected
- 1965 - Will be resurrected
- 1967 - Will not be resurrected
- 1974 - Will be resurrected
- 1988 - Will not be resurrected
- 1988 - Will be resurrected
- 1989 - Will not be resurrected
Guess the odds are 50/50
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 07-04-10 WT Study (MEN SUBMIT)
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 07-04-10 wt study (may 15, 2010, pages 8-12)(men submit).
review comments will be in red or headed by comments.
wt material from today's wt will be in black.
Designer Stubble
Blondie, Thanks again for your many efforts.
One thing - I think that you have forgotten to post the past few on JWR and we have many newbie, some who still have to attend meetings for which this would be helpful. Can you please repost here too. Thanks once again.
JW Home study
by wiser incan anyone tell me how long the jw homestudy lasts.
we are already going on a year and a half, and thank god i have not been converted yet.
i am sick of hearing their version of the bible.
Designer Stubble
Studying with you is "easy hours". Far easier than door to door. I know various examples of studies that have lasted for over a decade. The only one who can call it quits is you.
But perhaps you should do a study which focusses on the history of their organization. Use the book "Captives of a Concept" to guide you through. Discuss topics like 607 versus 587 with them and see how long it will then last...
Memorial attendance down slightly in U K for 2010
by alanv inthe u k is following the trend of recent years in reporting that 637 less people attended the memorial than in 2009. the actual figure was 222795 as reported in the july kingdom ministry.
(sorry i can't provide a scan as i only got to have a sneak look at it.
) there were 284 partakers.. since 2003 that is a 2% increase.
Designer Stubble
I think in the past, many who left the org, still tended to attend the memorial. With the majority now leaving for discovering the truth about the "truth" they see no need to continue attendance to listen to the bullshit. Hence the organization's house of cards is starting to crumble.
Same is for active publishers. Now kept up artificially by old/sick reporting 15 minutes and both parents reporting 4 hours automatically.
Youtube video on new brochure "The Origin of Life"
by Designer Stubble in
by PYRAMIDSCHEME ini am off to convention tomorrow.
for the first time in my life i don't want to go...but i have to, this sucks..
Designer Stubble
Well you then get to take receipt of the new brochures, including "The Origin of Life" which I have posted a large number of the references. Hre is a great youtube video to warm you up.
A beginner's thanks...
by confliction ini know i only posted on the board 8 days ago- a little over a week.. at the beginning of this week, i went from hopeless and depressed, feeling like i had no way out.. .
but throughout the course of 8 days, i have been shown kindness that i haven't seen in years.. i have been reached out to in ways i didn't even know was possible.. in a little over 8 days, i went from feeling alone in a dark abyss of a world, to having an entire support group, that i know cares about me and understands me and exactly how i think and feel.. in one week, i have mustered up the courage to speak up to a friend who i have known for half my life, but was too afrait to tell about my doubts.. i have come to realize that, he, too is planning to leave this organization- never telling me because of fear i would reject him- and likewise for me.. i just wanted to notify all who have helped, that you will not be forgotten- i would have never imagined this much support when i first submitted my account information one month ago, unsure about my entire life.. .
i don't know how else to put this, so i will put it rather frankly:.
Designer Stubble
Great to hear your friend has doubts to. A great project for you to do together is work yourselves through a few "must reads" such as Crisis of Conscience by former Governing Body member Raymond Franz. The URL below points you to a summary I have compilied of it and a few other goodies.
Such readings is really a must if you want full and proper closure and enough factual information to take a decision.